
Dr. Jan Kallberg’s recent published or accepted peer-review papers 2012 – Present

Fernandes, J.C., Nicolas Starck, Richard Shmel, Charles Suslowicz, Jan Kallberg, and Todd Arnold. 2022.
Assessing Structural Divides in the Army’s Cyberspace Force to Better Support Operations. Parameters. Vol. 52, no.3 (Fall 2022).

Kallberg, Jan, Todd Arnold, and Stephen S. Hamilton. 2022. Sharing Cyber Capabilities within the Alliance – Interoperability Through Structured Pre-Authorization Cyber. NATO Joint Air Power Competence Center (JAPCC) Conference 2022 preread and proceeding.

Kallberg, Jan, Victor Beitelman, Victor Mitsouka, Jeremiah Pittman, Michael W. Boyce, and Todd Arnold. 2022. The tactical considerations of augmented and mixed reality implementation. Military Review (May-June).

Kallberg, Jan, Todd Arnold, Mark Visger, and Stephen S. Hamilton. 2022. POW in the age of the Internet. Air & Space Operations Review. Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 2022).

Kallberg, Jan, and  Stephen S. Hamilton. 2020. Resiliency by retrograded communication – the revival of shortwave as a military communication channel. IEEE IT Professional. Nov.-Dec.

Kallberg, Jan, Stephen S. Hamilton, and Matthew Sherburne. 2020.  Electronic warfare in the Suwalki Gap: Facing the Russian “accompli attack”. Joint Force Quarterly. 2nd quarter.

Kallberg, Jan. 2019. The Second Amendment and cyber weapons – The constitutional relevance of digital gun rights.  IEEE Technology & Society 38:2.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. Supremacy by accelerated warfare through the comprehension barrier and beyond – Reaching the zero domain and cyberspace singularity. Cyber Defense Review 3:3.

Kallberg, Jan, W. Blake Rhoades, Marcus J. Masello, and Rosemary A. Burk. 2017. Defending the democratic open society in the cyber age –Open Data as a democratic enabler and attack vector. Cyber Defense Review 2:3.

Kallberg, Jan, and Rosemary A. Burk. 2017. The flaw of immediate cyber counter strikes. Strategic Analysis. 41:5.

Kallberg, Jan, and Thomas S. Cook. 2017. The unfitness of traditional military thinking in cyber. IEEE Access.

Kallberg, Jan. 2016. Humanitarian cyber operations – Rapid response to crimes against humanity utilizing offensive cyber ability. IEEE Technology & Society.

Kallberg, Jan, and Erik Lakomaa. 2016. Institutional maximization and path dependency: The delay of implementation of the European Union Public Sector Information Directive in Sweden. JeDEM – eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 8:1.

Kallberg, Jan, and Rosemary Burk. 2016. Bring on the cyber attacks – The increased predatory power of the reluctant Red Queen in a nation-state cyber conflict. Cyber Defense Review 1:2.

Burk, Rosemary, and Jan Kallberg. 2016. Cyber defense as a part of hazard mitigation: Comparing high hazard potential dam safety programs in the United States and Sweden. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 13:1, 77-94

Kallberg, Jan. 2016. Strategic Cyberwar Theory – A foundation for designing decisive strategic cyber operations. Cyber Defense Review 1:1.

Kallberg, Jan. 2016. Assessing India’s Cyber Resilience – Institutional Stability Matters. Strategic Analysis (January-February) 40:1.

Kallberg, Jan. 2015. Bringing fear to the perpetrators – Humanitarian cyber operations as evidence gathering and deterrence. Strategic Analysis (July).

Kallberg, Jan. 2015. A right to cyber counter strikes – The risks of legalizing hacking back. IEEE IT-Professional (February).

Kallberg, Jan, and Steven Rowlen*. 2014. African nations as proxies in nation states’ covert cyber operations. African Security Review. *Graduate student.

Kallberg, Jan, and Bhavani Thuraisingham. 2014. The continued War on Terrorism – How to maintain long-range terrorist deterrence. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism. (Spring).

Kallberg, Jan, and Rosemary Burk. 2014. Failed cyberdefense: The environmental consequences of hostile acts. Military Review (May-June).

Kallberg, Jan, and Bhavani Thuraisingham. 2013. State Actors’ Offensive Cyber operations – The disruptive power of resourceful systematic cyber attacks. IEEE IT-Professional, (May).

Kallberg, Jan, and Bhavani Thuraisingham. 2013. Cyber Operations – Bridging from Concept to Cyber Superiority. Joint Forces Quarterly 68. January 2013.

Kallberg, Jan, and Adam Lowther. 2013. Europe in a ‘NATO light’ world – Building affordable and credible defense for the EU. Atlantisch Perspectief – Opinieblad over Veiligheidszaken en Internationale Betrekkingen. No. 1, 2013.

Kallberg, Jan. 2013. Diseñando Colisiones de Satélites en la Guerra Cibernética Encubierta. Air and Space Power Journal (Spanish edition – January 2013).

Kallberg, Jan. 2012. Designer satellite collisions from covert cyber war. Strategic Studies Quarterly. Spring.

Lowther, Adam, and Jan Kallberg. 2012. Analysis – Toward a new American military. Atlantisch Perspectief – Opinieblad over Veiligheidszaken en Internationale Betrekkingen 36, no. 6 (2012): 10.

Kallberg, Jan. 2012. Common Criteria meets realpolitik – Trust, alliances, and potential betrayal. IEEE Security and Privacy. February (online), July (print).

Kallberg, Jan, and Bhavani Thuraisingham. Towards cyber operations – The new role of academic cyber security research and education. IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics ISI 2012, Washington D.C., 11-14 June 2012 – Proceedings and papers published by IEEE Press.

Kallberg, Jan. 2012.USA:s försvarsdoktrin efter kriget mot terrorismen. (Translation: U.S. defense doctrine after the War on Terrorism). Vårt Försvar (Translation: Our Defense). Vol.123:2.

Kallberg, Jan, and Rosemary Burk. 2012. Online accountability and transparency in sustainable green business. Sustainability – The Journal of Record. April.

Burk, Rosemary, and Jan Kallberg. 2012. Right of capture and urban sprawl – A potential federal financial risk in groundwater-dependent areas. International Journal of Water Resource Development. May (online), December (print).

Kallberg, Jan. 2012. Balancing the budget – submarines in the era of austerity. Submarine Review. January 2012.

Articles in policy journals 2012 –

Lowther, Adam, and Jan Kallberg. 2013. Nuclear deterrence in a second Obama term. World Defence Systems. King’s College UK.

Kallberg, Jan, and Adam Lowther. 2012. The return of Dr. Strangelove: How fiscal austerity will push the United States towards nuclear arms and cyber-warfare. The Diplomat, August 20.

Book chapters 2012 –

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. Cyber espionage – from data scarcity to data abundance in SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet (ed).

Kallberg, Jan. 2017. Traditional military thinking in Cyberspace – The challenge to utilize the known to face the unknown in US National Cyber Security: Politics, Concepts, and Organization (ed). Routledge.

Kallberg, Jan, and Bhavani Thuraisingham. 2013. From cyber terrorism to state actors’ covert cyber operations. Strategic Intelligence Management (ed). Elsevier.

Kallberg, Jan, and Rosemary Burk. 2013. Cyber defense as environmental protection – The broader potential impact of failed defensive counter cyber operations. Conflict and Cooperation in Cyberspace – The Challenge to National Security in Cyberspace (ed). Taylor & Francis.


Kallberg, Jan, John Fernandes, Nicolas Stark, Richard Schmel, Charles Suslowicz, and Todd Arnold. 2023.  Assessing the Army’s Cyber Force Structure. Decisive Point Podcast. U.S. Army War College.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Trouble in Eastern Europe. Off the Record, Recorded Future, January 22.

Kallberg, Jan, and Stephen Hamilton. 2021. The fight in the dog (cognitive force protection). CyberWire, Hacking Humans, June 3.

Kallberg, Jan, and Stephen Hamilton. 2021. #58 Kallberg and Hamilton on POWs in a digital world. The Cognitive Crucibles, Information Professionals Association.

Kallberg, Jan, and Stephen Hamilton. 2021. #29 Kallberg and Hamilton on force protection in the cognitive domain. The Cognitive Crucibles, Information Professionals Association.

Commentary/OPED defense 2012 –

Kallberg, Jan. 2023. Ukraine War Lesson No. 1 — Chatty Micromanagers Die. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), September 11.

Kallberg, Jan, and Stephen Hamilton. 2023. Command by intent can ensure command post survivability. Defense News (C4ISRNET), August 29.

Kallberg, Jan. 2023. Ukraine — Victory Is Closer Than You Think. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), August 23.

Kallberg, Jan. 2023. Junior Officers on the Battlefields of Ukraine. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), May 26.

Kallberg, Jan. 2023. NATO — The Frenemy Within. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), April 11.

Kallberg, Jan. 2023. Why Russia will lose. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), March 6.

Kallberg, Jan. 2023. After the war in Ukraine: cyber revanchism. CyberWire, February 10.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Leader Loss: Russian Junior Officer Casualties. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), December 23.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Russia’s Imperial Farce. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), December 1.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Russia’s Aggression Justifies Western Cyber Intervention. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), November 9.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Russia’s Military – Losing the Will to Fight. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), September 15.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. The Swedish Fighter Pilot Crisis. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), August 30.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022.  The West Has Forgotten How to Keep Secrets. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), August 8.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Goodbye Vladivostok, Hello Hǎishēnwǎi! The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), July 12.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Defending NATO in the High North. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), July 1.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Drones Will not Liberate Ukraine – but Tanks Will. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), June 24.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. A Potemkin Military? Russia’s Over-Estimated Legions. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), May 6.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Russia Won’t Play the Cyber Card, Yet. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), March 30.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. A troubling silence on Prisoners of War. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), March 22.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Ukraine: Russia will not waste offensive cyber weapons, CyberWire, March 14.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022.  Free War: A strategy for Ukraine to resist Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine? 19FortyFive, March 10.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Too late for Russia to stop the foreign volunteer army. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), March 10.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022.  An Underground Resistance Movement for Ukraine. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), March 7.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Demilitarize civilian cyber defense, and you’ll gain deterrence. Federal Times, February 9.

Kallberg, Jan. 2022. Inflation is the silent cyberthreat jeopardizing our workforce. Defense News, January 10.

Kallberg, Jan. 2021. How an adversary could take advantage of Europe’s data releases. Defense News, December 2.

Kallberg, Jan. 2021. Open Data, and OSINT as an attack vector. Cyberwire, November 29.

Kallberg, Jan. 2021. Are adversaries using US critical infrastructure as a training range? Defense News, October 21.

Kallberg, Jan. 2021. Cyber in the light of Kabul – uncertainty, speed, and assumptions. Cyberwire, August 25.

Kallberg, Jan, and Stephen S. Hamilton. 2021. US military must prepare for POW concerns in the deepfake era. Defense News, August 23.

Kallberg, Jan, and Todd Arnold. 2021. Prisoners of War: A returned reality. Military Times, June 26.

Kallberg, Jan. 2021. The long-term cost of cyber overreaction. C4ISRNET (Defense News), May 27.

Kallberg, Jan, and Todd Arnold. 2021. In great power wars, Americans could again become POWs. Defense One, March 28.

Kallberg, Jan. 2021. Bye bye, cyber Pearl Harbor. CyberWire, March 17.

Kallberg, Jan. 2021. Prioritize NATO integration for multidomain operations. C4ISRNET (Defense News), March 10.

Kallberg, Jan. 2021. Solorigate attack — the challenge to cyber deterrence. C4ISRNET (Defense News), January 29.

Suslowicz, Chuck, Jan Kallberg, and Todd Arnold. 2020. Government cyber breach shows need for convergence. C4ISRNET (Defense News), December 28.

Kallberg, Jan and Stephen S. Hamilton. 2020. How to protect troops from an assault in the cognitive domain. Defense News, November 4.

Kallberg, Jan. 2020. If China loses a future war, entropy could be imminent. Defense News, September 17.

Kallberg, Jan. 2020. What is the rationale behind election interference? C4ISRNET (Defense News), August 31.

Kallberg, Jan. 2020. In an evaporating OODA loop, time is of the essence. Fifth Domain (Defense News), July 28.

Lindberg, Brett, and Jan Kallberg. 2020. Augmented reality: Seeing the benefits is believing. Defense News, July 17.

Kallberg, Jan. 2020. For ethical artificial intelligence, security is pivotal. Fifth Domain (Defense News), May 20.

Pittman, Jeremiah, and Jan Kallberg. 2020. Warrant officers should be the next cyber operators. Fifth Domain (Defense News), April 19.

Kallberg, Jan, and Stephen S. Hamilton 2020. What COVID-19 can teach us about cyber resilience. Fifth Domain (Defense News), March 23.

Kallberg, Jan. 2020. Why Iran would avoid a major cyberwar. Fifth Domain (Defense News), January 17.

Kallberg, Jan, and Stephen S. Hamilton. 2019. A new mindset for the Army: silent running. Fifth Domain (Defense News), December 6.

Stehen S. Hamilton, and Jan Kallberg. 2019. Integrate cyber maintenance into the US Army’s battle rhythm. Fifth Domain (Defense News), October 7.

Kallberg, Jan. 2019. After a cyberattack, the waiting is the hardest part. Fifth Domain (Defense News), September 26.

Kallberg, Jan. 2019. Putting a value on the 50x coder. Fifth Domain (Defense News), June 25.

Kallberg, Jan. 2019. How the Pentagon can get more innovation from universities. Fifth Domain (Defense News), May 29.

Kallberg, Jan. 2019. How the Founding Fathers helped make the US cyber-resilient. Fifth Domain (Defense News), April 19.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. Why older satellites present a cyber risk. Fifth Domain (Defense News), December 28.

Kallberg, Jan, Steve Hamilton, and Kyle Hager. 2018. The case for high-frequency readiness. Fifth Domain (Defense News), October 31.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. The hypervelocity case shot. Fifth Domain (Defense News), September 12.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. The classified mind – The cyber Pearl Harbor of 2034. TRADOC, Mad Scientist Lab, August 23.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. The case for humanitarian cyber operations. Fifth Domain (Defense News), August 8.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. Train, promote and lose: The battle for retention. Fifth Domain (Defense News), July 9.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. The cyber bases of the future. Fifth Domain (Defense News), June 11.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. The risks of over-reliance on quantifiable data. Fifth Domain (Defense News), May 18.

Kallberg, Jan. 2018. The opportunities of cyber in arctic warfare. Fifth Domain (Defense News), April 26.

Kallberg, Jan. 2016. In cyber, knowledge is a powerful weapon. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), October 24.

Kallberg, Jan. 2016. An untapped cyber weapon: Old geeks. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), March 30.

Kallberg, Jan. 2016. iPhone: What would FDR do? C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), March 3.

Kallberg, Jan. 2016. In Cyber, time is of the essence, Cyber Defense Review Blog, the United States Military Academy, January 28.

Kallberg, Jan. 2016. Cybercrime and state-sponsored cyber operations, Cyber Defense Review Blog, the United States Military Academy, January 28.

Kallberg, Jan. 2015. Why the military must defend the spectrum. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), April 13.

Kallberg, Jan. 2015. Kallberg on cyber: The time to act is before the attack. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), March 17.

Kallberg, Jan. 2014. Mike Rogers, NSA and CYBERCOM head, is on the right track. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), November 26.

Kallberg, Jan. 2014. Cyber resilience is a national problem. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), October 15.

Kallberg, Jan. 2014. Cybercriminals and cyberspies: Two sides of a coin? C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), July 14.

Kallberg, Jan. 2014. Why Europe is a sitting duck for cyber attacks. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), June 26.

Kallberg, Jan. 2014. Why bother with cyber. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), June 17.

Kallberg, Jan. 2014. Why the cyber bill matters. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), June 9.

Kallberg, Jan. 2014. Cyber beyond computers – the environmental aspect. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), February 7.

Kallberg, Jan. 2013. Cyber in Waffle House land. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), November 27.

Kallberg, Jan. 2013. Sojuznik Snowden: A solid Russian investment. C4ISR & Networks (Defense News), October 15.

Information Operations Newsletter. 2013. US Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Army Forces Strategic Command, G39, Information Operations Division, vol. 13, no. 9 (July – August). Reprint of Private cyber retaliation undermines federal authority, earlier published by Defense News (ARSTRATIO is an edited monthly news briefing produced U.S. Army Forces Strategic Command).

2013. Kallberg, Jan. 2013. Private cyber retaliation undermines federal authority. Defense News, July 29.

Kallberg, Jan. 2013. Offensive Cyber: Cyber Superiority or Stuck in Legal Hurdles. Defense News, February 17.